Dr. Denis Mukwege is a gynecologist and human rights activist, born on March 1, 1955, in Democratic Republic of the Congo. His minister father, who prayed over the sick, inspired him to learn medicine.
Working at first in a rural hospital, he saw the complications of childbirth without access to specialist help and went to France to study gynecology. He has since treated thousands of women who are gang rape victims during wartimes. He founded and works in Panzi Hospital where he performed up to ten surgeries during his eighteen-hour working day.
After giving a speech in September 2012 at the United Nation criticizing the government for not doing enough, an assassination attempt was made in October and forced him into exile, with devastating effect on his hospital. He returned in 2013, with a ticket from his patients who sold pineapples and onions to fund it.
He has won many awards, honorary doctorates and prizes, including the Noble Prize.
When is it rape? When any one of these three questions can be answered with a no.
Are the participants old enough to consent?
Do the participants have the capacity to consent?
Do the participants agree to take part?
Rape victims should always be helped to understand that nothing they did should have allowed someone to have sex against their will. This includes dressing suggestively, kissing or even other physical intimacy. Just because one doesn't physically resist doesn't mean it wasn't rape.
He that does good for good's sake seeks neither praise nor reward, though sure of both at last. - William Penn.